Tula Real Estate Market

At present there is unprecedented activity in the property market and Tula Tula region. Number of new buildings, shopping centers and office building increases exponentially. More yesterday undeveloped land to be active building new objects. Despite the fact that in a city with less than a million people, office space demand, even at very high (for Tula) price, the order of 1000-1500 rubles. for sq.m. The prices per square meter in a new range with a huge spread – from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Regardless of the distance from the buildings. 'Point' development begins construction of full overlap of residential complexes and neighborhoods with underground parking, which today is a novelty for 'small' town. As the building increases and the number of construction companies, suppliers of building materials companies. Market mercilessly 'squeezes' small players and gives more 'power' to large companies. For more specific information, check out AG1. In Tula, there are only formalized more than 400 (!) Real estate agents. The absence of civilized relations among real estate agents leads to the fact that local media 'swarm' twin proposals for the sale of certain objects. Portal – is the first civilized Ad space that does not allow dubbing. Large database of ads and interesting articles make visitors return to the portal.