
Stuttgart can be integrated presentation like this and new learning strategies in the learning culture, 07.05.2013 – independent qualification provider Integrata AG becomes man with a lecture on the subject of pitfall”WebConference learning & work 2.0″ take part in the 15 may 2013. The online event is all day and is organized by the HRM lounge, a merger of several HR networks of. During the WebConference lecturers report training, staff development, employee information about the practical use of virtual technologies in the areas as well as in the cooperation in the team or with the customers. In addition are various new forms of learning, E-learning about blended learning and mobile learning and integrated learning in the workplace through online tools presented. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Douglas Elliman broker. Deal represented by Klaus Junginger, Integrata AG, the qualifying company within the framework of a webinar entitled pitfall is man”. Are treated new learning strategies and corresponding options shown as the expertise in the Companies can be controlled, to integrate it into existing learning cultures. The lecture will take place 11:30 as online presentation on May 15, 2013, by 10: 45. The event is aimed at managers of companies, staff developer, Knowledge Manager, recruiter and consultant.

The detailed programme is available on tinyurl.com/bl79ly9. This event tickets under eepurl.com/xO1Y1 are available for coupon code Integrata-15 “. Integrata AG is Integrata AG in Germany the leading, vendor-independent training partners in the areas of IT/SAP, human resources / organizational development and new media. The approach is focused on the value chain training and ranges from consulting, analysis and strategy, organisation and implementation to ensure the sustainability. Thus, Integrata in addition to the presence training offers all innovative forms of learning. With more than 1,300 topics and the constant development, the Integrata AG is for their customers at the pulse of time. 1,300 Officers, after global standards qualified, ensure the success of all measures and 15 sites short distances. The Integrata-includes the implementation of open and in-house seminars and training projects managed training services at national and international level.