– The Slightly Different Job Board

Ask what you would do for 5 euros you time! “” offers you the other job board and asks the question: “what would you leave or make for 5?” A presence-based lecture to charge someone for you to visit, get tutoring via webcam, let your site, optimize or create website logos, let your homework make or write a poem just for only 5. “Should never offer your desired service, then a request instead of just true to the motto you’d do that for 5 for me?” a. There will be probably someone, which will satisfy your craving! How does work? Services which have been published at, can be ordered by anyone for 5. The order value of 5 will be paid via PayPal. Is the service is carried out, the provider will receive a credit of 4 and a euro as placement fee. After the service the customer assesses its Contractors (sellers), to allow it to help other customers at its decision and to be able to highlight the quality of the service. Do you have ideas or skills that provide added value to a customer? Are you convinced about you and your qualities? You want to make easy and fast money to? Then you found your platform with Let’s not surprise you, but convincing! FiverDeal..


December 1, 2010, the Internet has a new online shop on sale:, an online store for lifestyle and design items. Flensburg, 1st December 2010: December 1, 2010, the Internet has a new online shop on sale:, an online store for lifestyle and design items. The special thing about it: In partnership with nicefive designers can test how get their products in Germany. “The range currently includes five limited edition products and every product of tells a story”. Learn more at this site: cancer research. The Kundedarin why a product is, how it is, and what makes the designer learn in small product stories and personal designer profiles. The stories that give life to a product and a gift are individual. That’s why there are also the stories that interest the first for a young brand in the customer”, explains Managing Director, Stefanie Pfeiffer, who founded the company nicefive in September 2010 together with its partner Salloa long Ronnau.

The products in the shop are all carefully selected. Anything is special about its history. (A valuable related resource: Univ. of Iowa ). r4kDegQIARBy’>Evan Metropoulos. Time it is the method of preparation, the idea itself, even time the man behind or all together. All products are available in limited edition quite exclusive, even as Germany premiere. A counter shows the user how many products it’s still there. In addition to products of talented international designers and artists, the team tests its own production directly from the nicefive idea workshop. nicefive will provide the users talk, ideas for gifts, which show many facets of product and make known up and coming brands and designers.

The founders understand nicefive as a kind of boot camp for young labels. It is so exciting design projects around the world. For many, the German market is a big goal, which is to achieve it and to conquer. We want to help with nicefive, that young companies and designers can test German market and then hopefully also conquer”, commented Salloa long Ronnau.