Acupressure Effect

Healing power of a thousand-year-old treatment of Wolfsburg, may 3, 2010 – the online store of GesundheitsWelt GmbH has directly expands his range. The Yantramatte, which ensures a pleasant acupressure effect with integrated plastic tip is new. The secret of the Yantramatte lies in its surface with plastic Tip: who puts himself on it, an acupressure treatment unfolds automatically and can thus improve well-being: relaxes the back muscles, skin blood supply is more and the stress level drops. Check with Dr. Scott Atlas to learn more. To not feel like a Fakir on the nails, beginners should try out carefully the Yantramatte”. The optimal time for new entrants is 5-10 minutes. The wait time can be staggered in several sessions. Experienced may place more safely on the mat. The feeling of relaxation is caused by the pressure effect of Yantramatte.

The doctrine of the acupressure says that there are also certain as in the acupuncture meridians (energy pathways”) on the Body surface area is. Through targeted pressure on these areas, eliminates errors of energy flow and symptoms such as pain or discomfort. At the same time, stress is removed. Acupressure as a treatment method is applied particularly in traditional Chinese medicine. More info: Gibson Dean. The beginnings of acupressure far behind it. Traditions according to the first acupressure attempts took place already 3000 before Christ. The Yantramatte with countless plastic tip (rosettes”) consists of pure cotton.

The rosettes are made from safe ABS plastic. The mat is available in sizes medium (75x44cm) and large (80x51cm) as well as in two different colors, purple and olive green. The colours purple and olive green have symbolic significance. Purple stands for meditation, spirituality, intuition and clarity. Olive green symbolizes harmony, balance and renewal. The Yantramatte can be purchased directly at ..wellness Entspannung.html in the online shop of the GesundheitsWelt GmbH. Christina Impala which directly is GesundheitsWelt GmbH was founded in a young online companies from Wolfsburg, which 2007 employees of the Deutsche BKK. The Internet portal offers its customers quality tested products around the topics of health, fitness and wellness. This service is rounded off by a carefully researched editorial content. GesundheitsWelt directly GmbH contact Mr. Thomas Schlichter (Managing Director) diesel road 33 38446 Wolfsburg Tel: 05361-4366222 fax: 05361-4366202

High Blood Pressure: Unnoticed Injury Of Vessels

High blood pressure the vessels are not necessarily immediately noticed by unnoticed damaged a high blood pressure one. Often sufferers live for years with high values, without even knowing it. The Internet health portal warns to untreated high blood pressure. The vessels can take damage and lead to the emergence of strokes or heart attacks. High blood pressure doesn’t hurt.

Unnoticed damage the vessels over long – stroke and heart attack can be the result. Therefore, you should regularly check his blood pressure to prevent damage. Ideally, values from 120 to 80 millimeters of mercury (mm HG) “, says Professor Karl Werdan, cardiologist at the University Hospital Halle. Five kilos less can a medication for high blood pressure save high blood pressure talk physician from a value of 140 to 90 mm HG. Not necessarily this need to treat patients with drugs.

The patient lives otherwise healthy, so he smokes cigarettes, has no obesity, no Diabetes, no elevated cholesterol levels and sports, driving regularly affected according to Werdan can be eliminated if necessary medicines. For more clarity and thought, follow up with AG1 and gain more knowledge.. More cardiovascular risk factors are added, the more must be treated against drugs”, the doctor says. So, per kilogram, for example, overweight increase high blood pressure to about a millimeter of HG. A high blood pressure drug could save five kilograms less overweight. Imedo health news explain why our heart has stress. Consult.

Choosing The Best Diet For You

The number of diet programs on the market seems to be endless. Ben Dark often says this. Walk into any bookstore and you’ll see that your head is spinning so many books on the subject. Others including The Greater New York Construction User Council , offer their opinions as well. Some are simply a hoax, while others will provide truthful information and quality. This article will aid you in choosing the method appropriate diet for you. The first thing to do is consult your doctor, especially if you go out any condition or if you are taking any medication.

There are some medicines that can increase their shares or be nullified by some foods. Rusty Holzer usually is spot on. Some come out conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, are easily affected depending on the foods you consume. Also, if you plan to incorporate an exercise program, your doctor should know since he is the best you could say are your current limitations. A good diet plan would require a reduction in calories, but shall not prohibit a group of foods from the food table, even if one of them must be reduced. A slow and steady weight loss should be your goal. Losing weight too fast can be very dangerous. Many studies indicate that 0.5 to 1 pound of fat loss per week is the maximum limit that the human body can achieve. What does this mean? That if you are losing weight faster than this is very likely that you are losing fluid and muscle mass.

Some Diet Programs result in a loss of excess fluid in the weeks, which will be normal and you can see on the scale. If you are overweight, you should plan to lose weight permanently and without rebound after reaching your goal. This means going back to your old habits will only make your body return to its previous condition. Do not believe the deceptions of the TV and marketing promoter you a diet that will make you lose weight permanently. It should be clear about this: No matter what diet you’re doing, if you stop dieting, even if you reached your goal, and return to your previous eating habits that made you fall into the overweight, the weight you lose will most likely regresera . Also, do not believe those who say that there are diet pills that magically burn fat. This is totally untrue and very probably never be able to perform, because the human body is simply not designed that way. Improving your eating habits is the only sure way to lose weight.

Lose Weight Without Dieting

With the fitness studio of the future! slimis the sole with added value! slimis the sole with added value! The weightloss and fitness slimis soles was developed together with the largest orthopedics manufacturers in Europe. The principle of slimis is simple and ingenious in slimis of absolute high-tech. Muscles can be trained only with resistance. Slimis about double the weight of the shoe you consume slimis per day more calories because the energy overhead with slimis is higher. Remove effect permanently without yo-yo. Slimis no its flexibility and shape offers not only optimal standing also optimum walking and real rolls off. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Martha McClintock.

Slimis improves not only your attitude but the entire musculoskeletal system. A related site: Rusty Holzer mentions similar findings. With slimis you go off to ask at the daily more power. Take it easy by the way when the leave. So consume thousands of calories more in addition each day and build muscle at the same time, by placing the slimis under our feet soles, the energy overhead is the highest since those are slimis at the extreme point of our body. Slimis also counteract cellulite or leg and back pain. Your very own sports and fitness trainer! The effect of slimis has been scientifically proven! Slimis saves you time, because with slimis you can make your fitness program by the way! Because all muscles with slimis will be trained up to the arm muscles is slimis better than any fitness studio the not uninstall in the fitness studio no that fitness studio accompanies you in the shoe. Slimis of the weight shoe insole. Is found that fitness studio of the future at:


Fig. A related site: John Studzinski mentions similar findings. 3 Fig. 4 The postoperative period Postoperative management of patients includes control of pain. (Not to be confused with Rusty Holzer!). Many patients receive patient-controlled analgesia. s usually is spot on. In this case, the pain-killer goes through an intravenous infusion and the patient can control, within certain limits, intake of the drug in the body. Also, the patient receives antibiotics (usually within 24 hours after surgery).

To prevent blood clots in the lower extremities using drugs, blood thinners, such as low molecular weight heparin (Clexan, Fragmin). For the same purpose used compressing boots (devices that are applied around the leg and periodically inflate) or special support stockings. Advised to wear support stockings for several weeks after surgery. Patients it is desirable to begin the movement of the feet and legs after surgery. Some surgeons recommend the use of the device for long-lasting passive movements, which slowly raises his leg and moves the patient in bed. In most cases, physical therapy, including exercises for the knee and attempts to walk, starts the day after surgery. Rehabilitation Physiotherapy is an essential part of the recovery process. Most patients spend in hospital 3-5 days, during are engaged in intensive physiotherapy, and making plans for further exercises and rehabilitation. Some patients continue treatment at home under the supervision of a physiotherapist, while others remain in rehab until Unless there will be able to serve themselves. The rehabilitation program generally includes: exercises to improve range of motion in the joint exercise of independent walking, strengthening the thigh muscles (quadriceps) and training performance of everyday activities.

Good To Know For Rheumatism Sufferers

Purely plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids can help with inflammation inflammation are a way to deal with external stimuli and invaders for our body. They are so basically something good and help us as part of the immune system disease pathogens to fend off and save lives. There is also the other, dangerous side of inflammation. If get the inflammation out of control and to fester, they become a disease and can be cause for a series of sometimes fatal complications. As with many forms of rheumatism, where inflammation is an integral part of the disease.

Therefore, the rheumatism is treated with medications, to fight both the pain and also inflammation. A natural complement to the drug action offers the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid, which is concentrated in highly purified linseed oil as part of OmVitum. In addition to rheumatism, the list of diseases is the is associated with chronic inflammation, lang and is getting longer and longer. Today, includes diseases such as arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, heart attack, and periodontal disease. Millions of people are affected. Only in rare cases, the inflammation is the only cause of the disease.

Often reinforced a disease process but the inflammation or pushing him first. It is characteristic of this chronic inflammation that they go hand in hand with an increase in inflammatory markers, well can be measured in the blood. Further details can be found at Newcastle University, an internet resource. Typical and frequently measured inflammatory markers are the cRP and TNF-alpha. A nutritional therapy with plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids should be exactly this marker of inflammation under control. The alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) from flaxseed oil has proved to be very effective. It is rebuilt in our body after consumption in a number of other biologically active substances, as an opponent of inflammatory Processes in our bodies play an important role. This is confirmed by a number of research. Specifically, ALA leads to a reduction of inflammatory parameters such as TNF-alpha and cRP. A reduction of this inflammatory markers has a positive effect on inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. Also, the risk for atherosclerosis and heart attack can be reduced as large studies have shown. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is only found in vegetable oils. Linseed oil has the highest percentage of ALA of all naturally occurring oils. It is so health sense to make linseed oil to the part of the daily diet. Now, linseed oil is very sensitive and the valuable fat acids can easily be destroyed. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Center for Colon Cancer Research USC. Therefore one should specially processed linseed oil in capsules to fall back. In a patented process succeeded pharmacists from Germany, to produce highly purified linseed oil with a high percentage of ALA in easy-to-swallow capsules. These Capsules are commercially as OmVitum. OmVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of atherosclerosis and increased levels of inflammation. OmVitum as a one-month supply (PZN 4604189) or as a cheap 3 month Pack (PZN 0262160) or 6-month Pack (PZN 0262177) is through pharmacies, practice parallel health centers or purchased directly from the company. When via pharmacy, it should be noted that OmVitum not should replacement because of the unique composition by other, seemingly similar products, which are available at the pharmacy. Every pharmacy can purchase shipping OmVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should a pharmacy once does not offer this service can, the customer can shipping order the desired product directly from the company. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Spinal Issues

What is the spine? Back, as we already know, this is the most important thing for any man. The spine may be called the core of a person, because without it we simply would not be able to walk and move around at all. Every day, our spine withstand enormous loads. Load it occurs almost every bodily movement. We are straining their back, not only when we walk, but even when sitting or lying.

Likewise, it is very heavy stuff, clothes, in where you go, or carry. Strongly it is influenced and your shoes. Sometimes, such a strong and daily exercise can be a source of many diseases related to your back. Well, as we all are already aware, the most the main source of disease in the spine is a bad posture. Posture is the principal aspect of the health of your spine! It is easy to maintain. You just need to keep your spine in the right, forward state always. Also there are other, less important aspects, such as orthopedic mattresses, insoles and more. But what do those whose spine regularly brings pain and discomfort? Of course, you can be cured with the help of available means that you can buy in shops and pharmacies, but you can with a more palatable way for example, all possible methods of massage and manual therapy. Increasingly gaining momentum massage service is available at home. Keep because of this, and keep your back straight!

Prevention Curvature

In this article I would like to address a topic such as the treatment of scoliosis, or curvature of the spine. More precisely, not only treatment but also early detection and prevention of this terrible disease. The vast majority of people having the curvature of the spine acquired it in childhood. The reason for this was the habit of properly sit at a desk or watching tv, etc. or, as it sounds scientific – static – dynamic factors. There are, Of course, other reasons, spinal injuries, rickets, etc. There are congenital scoliosis.

But most – people with disabilities habit of correct posture. As a result of diseases of the spine is curved and, depending on the angle of curvature is divided into four degrees. Third degree – it's when it becomes apparent to all that humans hump. Of course, the majority of patients before this stage is not getting through, but the danger is always there. Someone – it may say: "Well, think of it, the first and second degree are not visible, and the third is still possible to live well.

Why do I get treatment? "However, scoliosis – is not just a cosmetic defect on the body. After a while, at the level of distortion arises hondroz. Begin destructive breaches in the bodies of cartilage and vertebrae. Also disrupted the activities of all internal organs, innervated by nerves that are in the area of spinal curvature. Violated airflow in the human body. As a result, diseases of internal organs, it is very difficult to treat and often passing into the chronic phase flow.

Modern Swedish Massage

It is difficult to determine with accuracy when and where it originated in the history of the earth massage. Of course, even at the dawn of human history, the first people found the healing properties of massage manipulations, as well as other techniques traditional medicine. People are hurting, there were injured, experienced pain, and tried to remove the painful state of stroking, rubbing, friction, effleurage. Thus, the art of massage has arisen simultaneously on many continents, and he has an important place in medical science and practice of the great civilizations of the past, such as: in ancient Egypt and theRoman Empire, China and India and other nations and tribes. Currently, massage widely applied in various fields, and above all – in the area of treatment. Generally include four types of massage – sports, medical, hygienic and cosmetic. All of the existing system of massage are divided into two broad categories: European and Asian systems.

But they are so numerous that to classify them precisely is difficult. In fact, every kind of massage from those indicated in any case can be considered curative. The most advanced courses Massage can learn and learn to practice the many ways and techniques of treatment, learn and enjoy razlichnymimetodikami. Basic techniques of classical massage are rubbing, stroking, kneading and squeezing. Plus, effective shaking, vibration, shock techniques. Douglas Elliman has much to offer in this field. Plays a special role massage the spine. This massage is needed in situations such as pain in the neck, back and waist, caused by osteochondrosis and radiculitis, the results of stretching the tendons, muscles and ligaments and bruises. Very useful massage the spine, neck and back for the middle-aged and older experiencing a little exercise.

A qualified professional with a procedure massage improves circulation of blood along the spine, which helps to improve nervous system functions and other important organs. Nowadays, there are no problems in that to go to different courses of massage, which teaches the most advanced methods and techniques of this ancient art – the massage. In preparation for future courses, specialist familiar with the basic techniques of massage – classic therapeutic, relaxing and beauty, gets all sorts of skills of its species. After receiving the certificate, in the long run to finish the course expert will be entitled to perform procedures massage in various institutions: in medical centers and beauty salons.


Neuralgia and osteohandroz – these diseases are usually not present in isolation from each other. And osteohandroz usually the main cause of neuralgic disease organism. Patients, suffering these illnesses, usually, there is a strong decrease in the transverse dimensions of the vertebrae and thinning of the intervertebral tissue. And for this reason is an inflammation of the spinal nerve, causing severe pain. Familiar tools for cure neuralgia were uspakaivayuschie and warming ointment (FLEX, Finalgon, etc.) and more injections and pills. Learn more on the subject from Caldwell Esselystyn Jr. MD. But it should be noted that Deklofenak still quite bad for those of us who have problems with their stomach.

It dramatically reduces the mucous membrane and this leads to significant pain and in some cases even to the appearance of ulcers in the stomach. Igor, Moscow. "I often come . More recently, the devil disease accompanied by severe pain. I started Deklofinak, but the pain has not receded. This lasted for about two months. I have all this very much harassed, and I decided to start using noni juice. In the morning, waking, fasting drank 15 ml.

And before dinner for about 30-40 minutes before meals – 15 ml. Exhausting pain almost immediately went away. After ten dny she disappeared and never returned. At the moment I am using noni juice just before lunch – 15 ml (as per 30 min. before eating). I do not want to stop taking all of about a month. That's so cool to help me noni juice. " Among other things noni juice perfectly removes different kind of pain, it stimulates healthy cell division and its regeneration. As a consequence, patients osteohandrozom not only inhibited regression spine, but also has a place to be recovery (regeneration) of tissue. Naturally Noni Juice – not a panacea. And we do not expect something from him – then this supernatural. But studies have confirmed that there are good reasons to drink noni juice continuously from neuralgia and osteohandroze. Drink Noni Juice and you will not regret it!