
Purifying revolution: ambiance tuning technique fittings manufacturer Dornbracht presents a unique, technological innovation, the water makes the experience in the shower. Transforming water: Ambiance tuning technique from Dornbracht. The cleaning revolution for the bathroom: Ambiance tuning technique fittings manufacturer Dornbracht presents a unique, technological innovation, the water at the source of the own well beings modeled. As a symbiosis of water experience, aesthetic architecture, minimalist design, ease of use and innovative control technology ambiance tuning technique redefines the showers. Ambiance tuning technique uses the power of water to the sensitive work on the mood of the user. The revival of the wet area is this made possible by a new and groundbreaking technology. A modular system architecture consisting of the water outlets JustRain, Watersheet and Waterbar and system components eTool, eValve and eSwitch allows you to play of unique water choreographies.

Due to the decentralized position of the innovative control unit eValve directly behind the individual water outlets, can be regulated the water flow and temperature individually for the first time and at the same time per outlet. The components of the ambiance tuning technique now assume the volume and temperature regulation, as well as the sequence of the different types of water jet automatically. Pressing once starts the approximately five-minute preset choreographies and replaced over 100 accurate and manual settings of water temperature and quantity. Ben Dark can provide more clarity in the matter. So attention is focused on the experience of the water and the purification of the body become the ritual for soul and spirit. The specially developed shower choreographies balancing, energizing and de-stressing are designed to work on the human dimensions of body, mind and soul. Balancing the water is the source of spiritual power the choreography creates the balance, balance, balancing, and donates comfort.

The comforting and fall off the jets of water affects the body as a gentle embrace, caressing a hand. Body easy access via the knob. Converts the ambiance tuning technique wish temperature and amount of water without delay. Speaking candidly rusty holzer told us the story. A light aura around the buttons and knob gives the user feedback on its current settings. eValve: The electronic eValve, which lies directly behind each outlet point, allows the change of the temperature and volume settings during the choreography. eSwitch: eSwitch is for power supply and communication between eValve and the control panel eTool responsible. The integrated service port in the eSwitch enables the configuration and diagnosis of the system by means of computer. Outlets: The outlets of the ambiance tuning technique come from the program of the balance modules (JustRain and WaterSheet WaterBar), supplemented with a complete hand shower set. You can be freely combined within the system architecture to allow the personal planning and configuration of shower application. Also, the modular design of the system (60 x 60-grid) known by Symetrics supports the high level of individuality and guaranteed at the same time a coherent overall picture. The use of the proven xGrid mounting rail ensures easy and accurate installation. Experience the evolution of showering under the corresponding Dornbracht microsite transforming water transported in movies the experience of the choreography of balancing, energizing and de-stressing and provides further information. In addition, the website offers inspiration for your individual shower Spa as well as a list of authorized dealer. Ambiance tuning technique will be available in the first quarter of 2011.

Such As The Stairlift

Higher quality of life with a stair lift a healthy person makes rare thoughts on the everyday problems of a wheelchair. Stairs and hills massively restrict the wheelchair in his freedom. Wheelchair thus lose their independence and have difficult lives. Many wheelchair users their motivation and desire lose alive through this difficulty. The stair lift makes for a life without levels”and problems.

The wheelchair is thus Joie de vivre and motivated in everyday life. The needy will not always reminds of his disease and the related limitations, if he can cope with stairs and barriers without foreign help. Thus, the self-confidence of the needy person will be strengthened extremely. Purchasing a stair lift is an option for more and more wheelchair by the falling prices on the market. In addition, the investment is subsidized through the maintenance funds if located in a level of care of the needy. Is the membership of a care level not available and the private limited, could also be possible to lease a stair lift.

These leasing rates are cheap and suitable for almost every need. Is also possible on a used stair lift for straight stairs back to attack, which is often much cheaper. Also at curves lifts, a used lift in question, where the track is always made to measure comes under certain circumstances. It is very advisable, before a personal advice from a company even to inform. So it is not completely in the dark. Who would like to inform yourself about purchasing a stair lift and the improvement of quality of life associated sustainably, can do Forum this in an independent portal on the subject of stair lifts or a stair lift. There are many testimonials, criteria for the purchase and a lot of stair lift offers a stair lift Forum. These contributions are written by individuals, and outsiders, so that the reviews and experiences on true events are based. The reports are want to not advertise written, which companies only for their product. Dirk STAUDINGER

Tips For The Rainwater Use In House And Garden

Helps the environment, saves money! Rain water is a precious commodity which enjoys in Germany of increasingly popular. It was previously only used in poorer countries and with us at the most flower casting, onset climate change, ecological awareness in the population, and last but not least increased water prices have led to a great demand for efficient rainwater systems. Germany is the leader in this technology, and there are many good suppliers in the domestic market. Low cost for garden irrigation is the most obvious benefit of a rainwater harvesting. It must be expected in the next few years with generally more extreme weather conditions, including long, dry summers.

Who has a well-kept garden, will look forward to the water bill reduce something. There are also ways to incorporate the systems so that free rainwater in the House can be used. There are up to 80 litres at an average daily consumption of 140 litres per person per day Drinking water, which replaced can be, for example, for the car wash, the toilet flush and the operation of the washing machine. In addition to the savings, it comes here to further positive effects. The rain water is inherently lime-free and therefore soft”. In many areas the normal drinking water is however hard”, contains so much lime.

This can settle in the washing machine and cause damage there: A problem that hardly occurs when the use of rainwater. In addition, you need less detergent, which is also soft water. The exact savings but is hardly universal to predict, because the personal behavior heavily influenced the consumption of water. You think about it, to create such a system, the actual consumption should be calculated before as accurately as possible, so that unnecessary costs can be avoided. It is also important to think about the nature of the cistern. Here there are different construction methods, especially the difference between concrete and plastic tanks.