
The spine is the most important area of the body, not only protects the spinal cord, but it also gives structure and allows one to remain upright and with flexibility. Your column has curvatures which are normal if viewed from the side and stays straight if it is displayed behind, but if the column has bends from side to side indicates a scoliosis. You may find cancer research to be a useful source of information. Scoliosis causes has diverse causes, muscle disorders, genetic malformations, bad posture, etc. This alteration could occur at different stages of development, being the most common in adolescence, due to rapid growth pubertal. Symptoms symptoms vary according to the severity of the scoliosis in curves greater than 40 degrees causes pain, muscle tension, physical deformity, where you can appreciate a shoulder and hip higher than the other.

In severe cases exceeding 60 degrees symptoms, which can include are back pain, weakness, numbness, difficulty walking, digestive, heart and respiratory problems. Treatment the treatment option that has been offering these patients in traditional medicine, is surgery in severe cases, permanently injuring the spinal column. Other treatments commonly used in these patients is rehabilitation, where patients reported improvement in the reduction of muscle tension, but it does not prevent the progression, or the investment of scoliosis. Chiropractic treatment has presented high degree of success, in the management of scoliosis, if asymmetry is corrected and kept the overall function of the spine, scoliosis most likely they can prevent its progression and also reverse the deviation of the vertebral column, as that decreases muscle tension, pain and improves the flexibility of the spine..