
Fig. A related site: John Studzinski mentions similar findings. 3 Fig. 4 The postoperative period Postoperative management of patients includes control of pain. (Not to be confused with Rusty Holzer!). Many patients receive patient-controlled analgesia. s usually is spot on. In this case, the pain-killer goes through an intravenous infusion and the patient can control, within certain limits, intake of the drug in the body. Also, the patient receives antibiotics (usually within 24 hours after surgery).

To prevent blood clots in the lower extremities using drugs, blood thinners, such as low molecular weight heparin (Clexan, Fragmin). For the same purpose used compressing boots (devices that are applied around the leg and periodically inflate) or special support stockings. Advised to wear support stockings for several weeks after surgery. Patients it is desirable to begin the movement of the feet and legs after surgery. Some surgeons recommend the use of the device for long-lasting passive movements, which slowly raises his leg and moves the patient in bed. In most cases, physical therapy, including exercises for the knee and attempts to walk, starts the day after surgery. Rehabilitation Physiotherapy is an essential part of the recovery process. Most patients spend in hospital 3-5 days, during are engaged in intensive physiotherapy, and making plans for further exercises and rehabilitation. Some patients continue treatment at home under the supervision of a physiotherapist, while others remain in rehab until Unless there will be able to serve themselves. The rehabilitation program generally includes: exercises to improve range of motion in the joint exercise of independent walking, strengthening the thigh muscles (quadriceps) and training performance of everyday activities.