Bodily Stress

If insufficient, we will not respond well, but if stress is excessive, we may be unable to respond. Phases of stress Stress does not appear suddenly, it is considered that there are three phases. Alarm phase: the moment of facing a difficult situation or new, our brain analyzes the new elements, compared using the memory of similar joints and if it finds no available energy to respond, send commands to the body to release adrenaline. The body prepares to respond, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, tensing the muscles "is a biological reaction that prepares us to respond. In the resistance phase, the individual is active for the duration of stimulation and although the first symptoms of fatigue, is still performing well.

When the stressful situation has ceased, the body returns to normal. And finally, at the stage of exhaustion, if the activation stimuli and demands do not decrease, the level of resistance will eventually run dry, reappearing alarm. It begins to suffer physical and psychological problems. Recently rusty holzer sought to clarify these questions. According to Hans Selye, "Stress becomes dangerous when it occurs frequently, so unusual is prolonged or concentrated in a body organ." Bodily symptoms of stress not only has psychological impact, it also affects our physical health. Digestive system: the stomach secretes more acids. If the situation continues, the walls are completed irritating.

Blood is diverted from the stomach and disrupts the process of digestion. Many peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis are related to ongoing situations of stress. Muscular apparatus, the tension appears as contractures at different levels: jaws, neck, back, leg pain.