
This and swimming! First of all, it's an easy way to leave and get rid of a lot of problems during pregnancy. In water, all the movements are soft, there is almost no load in the water body is almost weightless. Occurs muscle relaxation, the load is removed from the spine. Children are floating mothers do not suffer from asphyxia and hypoxia – diseases associated with oxygen deprivation. If you decide to swim in the pool, first check with administrator and the physician pool – be allowed if they are pregnant to swim in their pool. And it is not reassurance, but a reasonable approach to the issue.

The doctor, who oversees future mother, is to give 'good' in the swimming pool. Exercises that can be performed in the water an incredible set. Better to start with the easiest. You can consult about this with your gynecologist and an instructor in gymnastics for pregnant women. In the end, you can invent their own exercises – those that allow you and your baby inside, feel easy and comfortable. Long been aware of the great magical power of water.

Water absorbs all the fatigue, doubt, sickness. The swimming pool and swim until the last possible day of pregnancy – as long as you like until you are well and happy. There are special groups, and even the center, where classes for pregnancy, it is in the basins. Can you imagine? The entire pool for pregnant women. Expectant mothers who are tired of the severity of the baby and just walk in the water begin to move gracefully and swim like a mermaid. By and large have a huge advantage over other kinds of exercises for pregnant women – it's easy and very pleasant. Besides lessons in the pool are the same if not greater effect than conventional 'dry' gymnastics. By the same author: Cancer Research. Obstetrician-gynecologists have long noticed, that women who have undergone training in the pool giving birth easier and faster than others. They recovered quickly, and most importantly – their children are not afraid of the water, but instead tend to float. Summarizing all the above should also be noted that in addition to gymnastics should follow a diet with restriction of fat and sweet, with plenty of fluids, if not constrained by the kidneys, as well as eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. Successful you genera!


Neuralgia and osteohandroz – these diseases are usually not present in isolation from each other. And osteohandroz usually the main cause of neuralgic disease organism. Patients, suffering these illnesses, usually, there is a strong decrease in the transverse dimensions of the vertebrae and thinning of the intervertebral tissue. And for this reason is an inflammation of the spinal nerve, causing severe pain. Familiar tools for cure neuralgia were uspakaivayuschie and warming ointment (FLEX, Finalgon, etc.) and more injections and pills. Learn more on the subject from Caldwell Esselystyn Jr. MD. But it should be noted that Deklofenak still quite bad for those of us who have problems with their stomach.

It dramatically reduces the mucous membrane and this leads to significant pain and in some cases even to the appearance of ulcers in the stomach. Igor, Moscow. "I often come . More recently, the devil disease accompanied by severe pain. I started Deklofinak, but the pain has not receded. This lasted for about two months. I have all this very much harassed, and I decided to start using noni juice. In the morning, waking, fasting drank 15 ml.

And before dinner for about 30-40 minutes before meals – 15 ml. Exhausting pain almost immediately went away. After ten dny she disappeared and never returned. At the moment I am using noni juice just before lunch – 15 ml (as per 30 min. before eating). I do not want to stop taking all of about a month. That's so cool to help me noni juice. " Among other things noni juice perfectly removes different kind of pain, it stimulates healthy cell division and its regeneration. As a consequence, patients osteohandrozom not only inhibited regression spine, but also has a place to be recovery (regeneration) of tissue. Naturally Noni Juice – not a panacea. And we do not expect something from him – then this supernatural. But studies have confirmed that there are good reasons to drink noni juice continuously from neuralgia and osteohandroze. Drink Noni Juice and you will not regret it!

Analytical Chemistry

I think that readers familiar with this concept as "biogeochemical zones" (provinces). The founder of the doctrine of biogeochemistry is VI Vernadsky. They created the first biogeochemical laboratory. Other leaders such as Dean Ornish M.D offer similar insights. As a result of its operations (now the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Vernadsky RAS), there was a study of the biogeochemical provinces. Biogeochemical provinces – an area on the Earth's surface, characterized by specific to their content of chemical elements in rocks, soil, surface and groundwater, vegetation, which affects the spread of some diseases, which are called endemic. They are caused by an excess or deficiency of some chemical elements in water and local foods. The most typical endemic diseases are endemic goitre with iodine deficiency in food, dental caries with a deficit in the drinking water fluoride, fluorosis with an excess of fluoride in the environment.

In addition to natural biogeochemical provinces, whose boundaries are often all coincide with the spread of certain types of rocks or soil, there were man-made (anthropogenic) biogeochemical provinces. Their appearance is due to the technological activities of man, pollution the environment from industrial development. In the Soviet Union was a system of biogeochemical zoning (1958-1964). Food of animal origin, obtained from animals in the biogeochemical zone, especially in the excessive content of some toxic elements, represent a direct danger to humans. As you can see, this problem has always existed. Even without human intervention in nature, it is not always were "paradises" that are suitable for healthy and long life. The food we eat.

Spa-Vacations – Israel

Israel has long been loved by tourists for its numerous resorts with the greatest history of Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Hebron, Haifa, and others. But in Israel there are other riches – a great opportunity for recovery, treatment, and Spa-sea otdyha.Mertvoe most valuable and well-deserved popularity has earned the unique Dead Sea resort. Barbara Martin Coppola might disagree with that approach. It is believed that in ancient times were located five cities mentioned in the Bible: Sodom Gomorrah, Adma, Sevoim and Zoar. Even in biblical times, the lake had several names – the Salt Sea, Sea Plains, Ha-Arava, East Sea, Sea Salt, Sea of Sodom … The Dead Sea has the same size and shape, and that in times of Abraham. However, in modern days, the water level in the Dead Sea each year is reduced by 30 centimeters. His unusual name was the Dead Sea is not accidental – it does not live fish or other marine life, as the sea has very high salt content.

But people who can not swim, can go fearlessly into the Dead Sea, without fear of drowning – sea will keep the surface of a person with any weight! One of the favorite pastimes of tourists – to read newspaper or book, lying on the waves of the Dead Sea. Features from the Dead Sea resorts Most resorts are the main advantages from the Dead Sea – a dry climate, numerous hot springs, mountain streams, wonderful nature and Finally, a unique spa-resorts and medical clinics. Dead Sea resorts are renowned for their unique therapeutic and wellness opportunities.

Castle Hospital

When we place a container plastic in the microwave or freezer; releases a substance called dioxin that poisons the cells of our body. Recently I read an article from Dr. Edgard Fujimotto, director of the Wellness of the Castle Hospital program, who emphasizes that when we heat plastic containers or covered with this material, on these computers, run the risk of interfering in our bodies the dioxin bouncing these materials at such high temperatures, this being extremely harmful and dangerous to health. Imagine how many parents there, makes them very comfortable to prepare several knobs of milk or baby bottles, so their children do not go work and comfortably has for a teapot of rubber, which is also exposed to these radiation that damage the small agency. I know that it is a comfort. There is no doubt. However we are putting in a high risk the lives of our children.

Recommended that everything that we calentemos in the microwave oven in glass jars, and if possible covered or covered with a white paper napkin but never without anything. The hectic life today in all countries, makes us use the most modern methods in order to make everyday life more comfortable, however so many young children, as adults, are exposed to serious dangers with the improper use of some of these new electronic modern appliances, including the same computers. Bottles have an age and require our care to not put at risk the lives of infants. We teach our small since they begin to avail themselves to use their little hands, pots and cutlery suitable for each age. We can avoid that our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, siblings, neighbors and others, have to go to the orthodontist to correct the permanent teeth because of deviations from a bottle out of his age. But more importantly, also protect them from more serious diseases like cancer that can be purchased by the heating of food quickly. I leave to the reflection of this article that has touched the fibers of my person in the past. Author original and source of the article.


If we have rising a life disordered regarding our diet, the truth is hard enough to reencausarnos to prove us and follow a balanced diet. Isn’t it impossible but if it will cost us more than expected. It is well known that you to be healthy and that our agency works in the ideal way, must ensure all vitamins, nutrients and minerals that you need, in the quantities you need. So when we made the decision to follow any treatment either to lose weight or to fight cellulite, for example, we can prepare our body by a small method to eliminate cellulite on detoxification, in order to eliminate most of the toxins that have been stored in our body. Let us remember that cellulite can be formed by the accumulation of fats and the retention of liquids and toxins that we removed or disposed of properly. IKEA is full of insight into the issues.

But for this we share a little detoxification treatment, which is based at the Apple. Yes, this method for get rid of cellulite is performing a kind of fast for two or three days. During this period only can eat apples, with everything and your skin of all types: red, yellow, green, etc. that you like most and the amount that you want, there are no restrictions in this regard. For drink you can take water or some kind of tea or infusion, which you can add natural honey if you want to sweeten them slightly. In this method to eliminate cellulite, the role that Apple will perform in our body is the return the correct PH of this. When toxins are not eliminated appropriately in our organism and go by slowly storing, they generate the PH of our body becomes acidic, so we must treat returns to its natural balance. And fortunately we can always count on the delicious apples! Want to know how to treat ovarian cysts in a non-intrusive way? Please Click here to read about a method that you can eliminate the symptoms in as little as 12 hours.

The Concerns

Di I can not anymore with the concerns, I’m tired of by that these portraits mental negatives I are swivelling and bothering, refuse to let me deceive by false facts, I’m not really so weak, I don’t want to ever have these unhealthy feelings inside me, these false alarms mentally, I’m tired of that drain my resources, I’m tired of shame by lack of confidenceI do not want that people, especially my family, follow me seeing in these conditions. I have more to offer, I refuse to let my life continue to suffer short circuits and leave out of my imagination with a distorted idea of the facts, either myself or another that are removed to the fore. Read additional details here: Professor Roy Taylor. Prove it to yourself, remember, all the things that you cared, all catastrophic fantastic events that your counselors, well-intentioned, said they were going to occur, rejoice that none of them ever happened, otherwise not you wouldn’t be alive. Anyway, 90% of the things about which you care never to happen, we’ve all had those well-intentioned advisers who want to appear to be more than what they are before those who advise and which immediately arise and describe everything bad possible that happens to them. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Professor Roy Taylor. When these Trustees end, the person who came seeking support ends in why do I bother to go on living? and the reality is that none of these things will happen in any way. Put in doubt what your mind tells you or what others say and promise you not pay attention to false alarms, saying can not anymore it is a good start, this first step will take you to discuss with your perceptions of concern, you let’s soon we begin to examine your fears and your concerns to see if they are valid and you will not leave the mind play you a dirty trick. (3) If possible to destroy any emotions that you have, even the concern and fear, through a very simple process: analyze it until his death, bringing to light and study it, compare it with your past experiences, make sure that this can withstand the information of the past that you have now.


It rains now and I do not have what to make. It is impressive as the best texts leave in the running of the day, while we are ocupadissmos. See more detailed opinions by reading what Professor Roy Taylor offers on the topic.. But when we are seated comfortably with penxs and paper in the hand, nothing he comes. Everything that comes is phrases of musics that they insist on being in the mind. When we are with haste and very work to make here it is that ' ' EUREKA' ' , an idea appears that we write down in any place and this finishes turning a workmanship primamas in the situation I find where me, the only subject to write is the subject I find where me. everything this for guilt of rain! Trick, it does not have guilt to fall. But when it falls I fcho. As if I was with sleep. It falls and beats fort in the roof. Not giving courage to me to make nothing that is not inside of house. I wait that it stops But enfim…com or if rain, tomorrow I will have that to leave to work.

The Optimum

It is not enough to select well, she is necessary to transform the election into a team and for this I consider seven important steps: 1- It selects amongst the best ones, the best ones. Before if undertaking in a conscription it verifies if all the specifications of the position and function, and all the objectives and necessities clearly are specified, from you will know who there will be the adjusted person to supply the necessities of the function. In a similar way it looks for to leave of side the urgency sense, this leads to a fast election and on low index of efficiency, becoming its inefficacious result, making with that it selects a person good when could count on an excellent person. It has calm when carrying through more the selection and the election of the adjusted candidates for the function that it desires to supply, it follows the process all and it attempts against for the established criteria. The goal has in form mind well clear which that it intends to reach and which will be the objectives that will be necessary to mark themselves, thus will only have conditions to find the person most adequate for funo.2- It selects and it extracts of best the optimum one. Preventive Medicine Research Institute addresses the importance of the matter here. This step is of extreme importance in the process to become a set of individuals selected in a team. You are welcome it will advance to have its disposal individuals with some talentos if these will not be identified, selected and mainly applied in what the function needs. Thus, it does not matter if the individual is excellent in several pursuings we need to identify, amongst the many abilities which will be useful it function and to work in order to extract and to apply this ability of the best possible form in the function to be played. That is, amongst all the abilities and qualities which we need to develop and to apply similar of that it supplies the existing necessities.

Family Health

Purperas searched in the Unit of Health of Family VI, that they had received orientation on breast-feeding during the prenatal one. SOURCE: Research of Field, 2009. Professor Roy Taylor spoke with conviction. GRAPH 3 represents the orientaes received during the consultations from prenatal on breast-feeding, 70% had answered that they had received orientaes from the nurses during the consultations of prenatal, while 30% of them had told not to have received no type of orientation. During the prenatal assistance, the women must be informed on the benefits of breast-feeding and be guided how much to the techniques, advantages and eventual happened complications of the act to suckle. The amount and, mainly, the quality of the information given to the gestante in the prenatal one influence in the best choice that is the option for exclusive breast-feeding. GRAPH 4? (%) of purperas searched in the Unit of Health of Family VI on the knowledge of the nutricionais differences between the milk of cow and milk maternal. SOURCE: Research of Field, 2009. In relation to the knowledge of the nutricionais differences between the milk of cow and maternal milk, 75% of purperas do not know this difference, while only 25% of purperas have the knowledge of such differences (GRAPHICAL 4). It is perceived that the majority of purperas does not possess the knowledge on the composition of the milk of cow and the composition of human milk, is verified that more educative actions on the part of the professionals of the area of health in what are necessary says respect the biggest clarifications on these milk as well as its advantages and disadvantages, therefore, such information are of utmost importance for the agreement, sensitization and maintenance of the exclusive aleitamento until the sixth month of life of the child. The basic difference is the easy digestion of human milk for the baby, in relation the cow milk; another important advantage is that it is capable to reduce the incidence of alrgicas illnesses infectious.